Thursday, January 17, 2013

When the Healing Doesn't Come....

I don't own this song. I just love it.
For printed lyrics- go full screen. 

This song came on the radio on our way home this afternoon...
I listened to it over the happy sounds ofmy girls giggling while showing each other pictures from their books. I thought back to all of that time I spent praying that God would heal me, but the healing never came...
The healing just didn't come...

I couldn't bring life into the world, and I was lifeless in my soul. I had faith for the eternal, but desolate in my mortality. I felt alone~ few will ever struggle with this and only those that have ever understand. I was hopeless. It affected everything around me. I even pushed friends and loved ones away.
Life fell apart... 

The years that we struggled with trying to have a baby were some of the darkest days I have ever endured... Even as I write this I have a light fluttering in my heart of shame and sadness. The pain of each loss mixed with the hope of one day seeing our babies that I never held on earth.
Dreams remained undone...

As I said the healing never came. Instead, another healing came with a phone call and a choice. You see a healing did come after some time; it just wasn't mine. God used me, my husband, and our pain to heal three little girls that were hurting and lost in the foster-care system. Believe me, I am in no way anything special, but I have arms that can hold, ears that can listen, and hands that can sign...those simple things~ God uses to help my girls heal.
He is good~ forever Faithful One, even when the healing doesn't come...

So, no, God didn't heal me; not like I thought He would....
He instead did the miraculous~
He changed~ He changed me. He changed my heart. He changed my mind.
He simply took my pain away when I first heard that simple, yet miraculous word~ "Mommy."


  1. I know this song and thought can be taken my different ways... This is just simply my thoughts on it. This is how it touched my heart...
    I hope the same for you.

  2. Eva dear, I've been following your blog since right before you got the call about your girls. I have to say it is a priviledge to read your thoughts & share in this journey with y'all even though its just as a reader. I am so happy for you & the beautiful life that your diligence & faith have rewarded you with. We absolutely never would have dreamed at JCM, what beautiful, twisty, turny journey life would take all of us on but oh what a journey!
    Brandi Amsden Garrett

  3. Beautifully said, Brandi. Thanks so much!
