Monday, December 17, 2012

Completing A Part Of Our Journey

Today we completed a part of our journey and in a way started another....
We finalized our adoption. 

We started our morning at 6am a little earlier that normal. Thankful for little graces our middle daughter woke in a great mood!!! She had some quiet time with daddy...and a good breakfast. 
I went in to wake up our eldest daughter with the words "Happy Dappy Adoption Day..." She smiled up out of the covers and "happy too, mama" she was still a little sleepy... :) 

I went into the living room and sat on the floor and took out the 37 curlers I put in their hair the night before...styled their hair, put on little shoes & clothes. I just kept waiting for it to sink in... 
As we are driving to the courthouse it starts POURING DOWN RAIN!!! 
Yep, all of that work, all of that sitting still while mama makes pretty hair was for pretty much nothing.. LOL! 
In some of the pix we pretty much look like...well like we came through a rain storm! 

We found our way to our courtroom and went to sign-in, met up with one of our workers. I am starting to relax...and then I found myself in a battle of "then" {Du du dum}<--ominous music.
Then I noticed it was taking a really long time....ehhh that is just how it goes, I had hair to wrangle. *eh*
Then I noticed one of our workers pulling hubby aside... Weird, but my 2yr old needs me. *hmm*
Then I see social workers whispering in the corner and my blood pressure starts to rise.... *ACCK!*
Then one of the workers come over to talk to me...and says "everything is fine, mama." *PANIC!*
Then the other worker finally came and told me that they couldn't find is in the computer! *GASP!*
Then I got REALLY upset...I am smiling but inside, a storm! I pray. *Will self not to cry* 

 It all worked out...our workers are pretty amazing and tenacious!!! *breath*

We go inside and sit and the judge says a bunch of stuff about....inheritance or something?? My head was swirling, and my heart was lost to me. It was a beautiful blend of surreal & defined. This was forever. This was my life. This was my family. This was forever... 

We go on to sign some papers and then we are on to taking pictures. My face is red in like every picture! I was fighting back emotion....stressed from before...and like a gazillion degrees!!! It's okay, I would have stayed in the sauna..ummm I mean courtroom all day if I had too. I had my babies. I have them forever. 

We were a bit rushed at the end as other families were waiting...friends and family met outside the courtroom to say congratulations. They hugged and held our little girls. They made our day so special!!! I am so thankful for such wonder people in our lives. I watched as my babies giggled and laughed. They ran and twirled in the open area fully loved and accepted.

 I sat outside the courtroom as waited for the last of our paperwork~ quiet, thinking. I kept waiting for this feeling that didn't come. I kept somehow thinking that I should feel different. I should feel something...then I realized I already did. You see for a long time now...
they have been mine.
Now it is simply legal. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

A Bitterly Painful Reminder...

Today I saw mothers standing quiet and sober, eye holding fast to the gate, hearts breaking, and arms longing to hold their little ones in their arms. They were there early, standing, bodies barely feeling the cold. They were standing there because on the other side of the country there were other mothers that couldn't hold their babies...a gunman took them away.

This morning's tragedy was a bitter, and painful reminder to love our children and to hold them a little tighter..

As we our children were released into the schoolyard to us no one talked, no idle mommy chatter. No those mothers wanted their little ones home~ safe. The mothers were once again no doubt reminded of those mothers who's child's arms would not surround their necks.. They were reminded of how precious life is..and thankful.

I saw the  look of relief as their child walked through the gate and some blinking back tears as they hugged their child.
I myself was lost in that I hugged and kissed my little girl as she excitedly kept right on talking about her day. I am so thankful that God brought her into our lives and even more thankful that in 3 days she will be mine forever! I am thankful that she is safe and loved. I am just thankful..

We no doubt pray for the families in CT and all of those affected. We pray for our country.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Our Christmas Song

As Christmas gets well as our adoption I just can't seem to hold my excitement!!!!
My thoughts go back to last Christmas...some songs that got me through the hard times, and brought a smile to my heart. I felt like I was not alone..
So many times last year I would listen to this was just how I felt. I prayed for my girls...and cried. I hung up their stockings on the fireplace with the words ~Till You Come Home~. I hoped, and dreamed.
Now I understand the last part of the song...the love and joy that comes from our children around the tree.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Those Blessed Words...

~ "You have court date!"
All I have wanted since last Christmas was for my girls to be mine by next Christmas... Signed, sealed, and delivered~ completely and legally mine! If you remember last Christmas was so hard for us...I spent many a night in tears, hopelessly waiting. You can see here.
We were matched, but we couldn't see was heart wrenching. All I wanted was my girls home for Christmas, and the only thing that gave me any comfort(other than my loving husband) was the hope and prayer that we would finalize by Christmas the following year.
Last Christmas God gave me such a precious gift, hope. Then He gave that hope a home. Now He is giving the hope..a forever.
I love my(our) girls so much!!!  I love my little family~ our soon to be forever family!

PaxBaby Give-a-Way!

Sweet Jillian over at paxbaby is having a huge give-a-way right now!

<a id="rc-9562e20" class="rafl" href="" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>
<script src="//"></script>

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Picking Trees Along The Journey...

So our family decided to go pick out out Christmas tree today... I laughed as my two year old pulled on the needles just like her daddy, and smiled as the girls chased each other  through the trees..

We just had to pic the right tree... You see this was our first tree as a family. This is our first Christmas as a family. We want to give our children memories... We want to take our greatest joys in the simple, happy, little things in life. One these~ I think the greatest of these is picking out the Christmas tree!

So we found the perfect one... Had is cut and wrapped. Then they tied it on the van... We were on our way!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Remembering To Play On The Journey

I want to delight in your childhood,
Not only scowl at your deeds.
To inspire who you are becoming, 
Not just supply for your needs.
I want to join you in play, 
Not only to cook and to clean. 
Because of this fun will soon slip away.
Jeanine Quigley


Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15th

 October 15th.

It is the day we remember our babies...
I remember the ones we never got to three tiny tummy babies. 

I also remember how long I suffered in silence... I didn't tell but a handful of people for years. I tried to hide the shame that was never mine to hold. I smiled, laughed, and made jokes, I was funny. I didn't want the world to find out what I knew...that my body was broken; that I wasn't woman enough to keep a baby alive. 

As a Christian I would sit and worship and smile at baby dedication and Mother's Day. I couldn't let others see that my faith was shaken. I didn't want them to know that when I would bow my head the images of laying on the bathroom floor crying out to God to save my baby would flash through my mind...
That I was angry.  That I was jealous.. That I was alone.  That I was wrong. 

When we decided to adopt...people felt that it was perfectly fine to ask. It wasn't.  Then again at the same time I was tired of dodging questions... 
So I just blurted it all out. ~ The heavens didn't fall. 
Some people were shocked, some hurt that I didn't tell them, but they adjusted. The sweetest was friends and family that opened up...they were hiding their pain as well a few found their way through the pain and the shame and were open, they gave voice to their loss. They were free. 

I have a happy life! I have a gorgeous husband that loves me, and 3 beautiful daughters. I have more blessing that I can count. Taking a minute or a day to remember doesn't take away from all of that.... It doesn't make one ungrateful, just thoughtful. 

So on this day... Love. Hope. Remember. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Pumpkins, Goats, and Hayrides, Oh My!!

We love Pumpkins!!! 

...and goats! 

 We paint our pumpkins!!! 

 ..and give them glitter! 

Most of all we love our family!!!! So happy they came along!!!

Friday, October 5, 2012

A Prayer From A Hearing Mother

Will she know you, God? Will she REALLY know you? 

A blessing at mealtime is just a ritual...does she even know we are talking to you? 

How do I teach her about You? How do explain you, Lord? 

She is going to need you... She is going to need a Friend that is closer than a brother when friends are unkind and a Heavenly Father when the world just seems too much... 

She cant hear her mother pray. How will she learn to talk to you? What do I do, Father? Do I bow my head in reverence so she learns meekness or make a show of my prayers knowing my little girl is watching? Guide me, oh God...

How do I share my faith when my own faith is so weak at times? Much less, how do I explain it so she will understand? 

I love her so much. How do I show her that You love her too? 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dollies, Hearing Aids, and Puff Paint~Oh My!

So our middle daughter is doing great!!! She is loving her 3yr class for the deaf and is picking up a lot of new signs!!! We love her teachers!
 We also went as a Deaf Awareness Day at the Zoo and have made some new friends and had an awesome playdate! I am looking forward to many more! :)
Big thanks so Nonnie, Papa, Auntie, Uncle, & Cousins for going with us and making the day at the zoo so much more special! 
 Our bubbly little girl is also going to get her hearing aids in about 2 weeks which she hasn't had for a few months...long story! Grrr...anyway.
 I am somewhat worried that she is going to have a hard time adjusting so I got out the old puff paint and got her dollies some hearing aids! 
I am hoping it will help, but if not it sure is cute!! 
Umm...I may need someone to come wrestle the puff paint out of my hand?!? :D

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Alien Food for Dinner??..

Hello, my name is.....and I'm a Pinterestoholic. If you are on Pinterest I know you have seen these little beauties, but I still just had to share what we call Alien pasta!!! *Cue the sci-fi music!*

This was so fun and great for kids that are still working on their fine motor skills!!! 

Come on...what kid wouldn't love this?? Kinda looks like playdough to me...also not very healthy, but way fun!!! I guess I could add a side of peas, urr ummm alien power balls! 

Now the only question is ketchup or pasta sauce? 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We Remember Along The Journey...

I remember 9-11 as a day my world got a lot bigger and less safe... I lived a lot of my life in a bubble. I was very sheltered and happy growing up. My mom was a home maker and was sick a lot so I took on her work as well as taking care of her for much of my young life and this was just the way it my small happy bubble with my family, work, and my dog.

So when it was time to go off to college I saw this as MY TIME! Even though I attended a Christian college, and wanted to live a life in service to others I was having the time of my life!!! There was no one to take care of, but myself and I loved it!!!!! I was young & free and honestly still lived in a very small world.

Then the day I will never forget came...9-11.

I was sitting in class as a senior in college daydreaming when one of the students came in with the news and we were told to assemble in the gym for a time of prayer and instructions.
 I knew so little about the World Trade Center...honestly I don't even think I knew it was in New York. I just knew people were hurt and that I should offer prayers for the families...

I remember the looks of fear on the faces of the instructors...

It wasn't till I got to work and saw on the monitor what the rest of the world had seen....what the radio was going on and on about. I saw that for once in my life how big the world really was and how at any moment everything could be taken away. At that moment I knew fear...anger for my country. I knew pride in my fellow Americans. My world had grown...and I had grown in it.

      We remember.      We hope.      We pray. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I Don't Organize The Forks...and other confessions

Yep, you read it right I confess that I no longer organize my forks from the spoons! I know, it is just awful but at the same time each time I toss that cutlery basket into the drawer I smile a little inside...

I am sure some of you may cringe, but this is my new normal...brought on by a very good, yet hard conversation with our adoptions worker.... Her opinion was hire someone to help with the house, or find short-cuts! Then her words freed me from house-wife guilt "with 3 special needs kids, you just can't do it all." So since a housekeeper wasn't in my budget I went with the shortcuts!

I now enjoy baskets in closets that hide the clutter, a messy fork drawer, a basket for the shoes near the front door, laundry that is not sorted by color, and many others...most of all I enjoy more time with the family.

 I also enjoy more sleep as I am not up cleaning till 2 AM the night before a home visit.

While your "normal" may not be the same as mine with speech therapy,  physical therapy,  play therapy, family therapy,  school,  IEPs,  weekly home visits,  checkups & growth checks,  homework,  online ASL classes, mounds of adoption paperwork, and other weekly family activities....I am sure you have your list of crazy that we call "normal."
 So let me release can't do it all. So what short-cuts do you make? Leave a comment and let me know.. :)

You that I think about it~ I could just stock up on SPORKS!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Yucky Stuff Along The Journey

Yes, today I am talking about two things that I really don't like one is laundry and the other is PUKE! Even worse when the two combine~ Ewwwww!!!!!!!!

I hate the tummy bug and with school back in session I know our girls will bring it home...

So I wanted to find out how other moms deal with the piles of bedding, sick blankets, dollies, and clean-up towels that come with our babies pets, or hubby is sick.. So what do you do? Any tips? Please share in the comments below!

I'll go first.. Here is what I do now:

1. Shake off...well you know.

2. Prewash with a couple of drops Dawn Dishsoap on cold. I figure if it is chemically produced to dissolve food, well, puke is sort of I guess. ;)

3. Do a short soak/prewash with a few drops Tea Tree Oil. TTO kills germs, viruses, and gets rid of odors naturally.

4. Launder as normal on hot or as garment suggests. 

Your turn, what do you do to get those fabrics to once again comforts your sickies?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Journey To 1st Grade!

Well, the last of our really fun summer is here...tomorrow my oldest will start 1st grade! I am so nervous and she is so excited! She is mostly excited about her new school supplies-that mama got for a steal!!!!

She has really enjoyed her summer! She loves to play outside, with her sisters, and has the little girl next door as her new best friend! She has also learned to skate and doing a great job!

I am so proud of my little princess! She has worked so hard this summer to be ready for 1st grade! I just look at her and even though it has only been 5 months I feel like I have known her forever... 
So tomorrow I pack her up once again and send her off to school with all of my love and hopes for her future.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Our Family Song

You know how there are those songs that just seem to fit... The one that takes you back to that moment in time that defined your life.  Maybe the moment you walked across that stage with your whole life ahead of you... 
We have had many of these songs. As a couple we have lots of songs...memories. 
We also seems we have little songs as a new family. Songs that remind us on our really bad days of what is really important~ love. 
The song Hold Us Together By: Matt Maher  is one of those songs.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby Bird!!!!

Happy Birthday my little baby bird...I love you so much!!!  
You are so sweet! I love how much you love babies. How you love to "tittle' tickle us and play peek-a-boo. I love it when I am rocking you to sleep and you look into my eyes or brush my check and say "mama." Sometimes you even sing the little lullaby back to me... You are so sweet! I love you so much. 

I am so proud of you! 

When you first came home:

You toddled & fell~ now you run! 
You barely ate~ now you eat "shishkin" all by yourself. 
You cried a lot~ now you smile and laugh! 
You needed to be held~ now you love to play!

I see you growing everyday, but it is okay if you want to be my baby a little does till you are 40 sound?!? 
I love you baby girl...

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Jars...Balls...And Perfect Children

Jars...Balls...And Perfect Children~ Well 2 out of 3 isn't bad! Right?!?

We have 3 amazing little girls that we love sooo much! They are beautiful & talented & came with their own personalities and set of challenges. These many times show themselves as behaviors...oh my word do they!?!

 When you chose to Foster-Adopt you chose to take it take the past hurts - fears - anger- you live with the aftermath and sometimes it is hard to take. Really hard to take, but you take it~ because you is a burden that those little shoulders shouldn't have to carry alone.

You also know that your life and home will never be the same.

You have to find special ways of doing things even face being judged by others...they just don't get it, but how can they??

I don't want to make them sound pitiful, but that simply I chose to take in all of the information and address certain things in a way I see fit just as their new mother. Just as any mother would... I want to help them to grow and heal.

I am so thankful that we have a great support system! We try to surround ourselves with those that have been there...and still going through it that we can get ideas from when we just don't know what to try next.

One of the ideas to come our way is the behavior jars. 
The other side has their picture but they would also be able to tell from the lid color that they painted and the sticker selection! 

The idea (which I think I also saw on a nanny show) is that you catch them being good and put in a ball. 
On the show they could also lose one, but for children already dealing with a lot of loss that seems counter productive. 
When all of the jars are full (thus older sibling encourage good behaviors in younger siblings) we have a family activity. 
Also, to increase expectations we will later make the balls smaller and the jars larger, but the idea is to go slow.
I write about my kids because they are what I know...they are my life! I am sure they would work with just about any kid that loves bright colorful balls and fun!
I am not if this will work forever, but for now I'll just stuff a little hope in these jars along with the little paper balls. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Because We All Need A Little Calm...On This Journey!

Yes I am talking about the calming jars! If you have spent any time on Pinterest (my new fave!!!) you have seen these little jars. I loved the idea! Umm...HELLO?!?!?!? G-L-I-T-T-E-R!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the stuff!!! Yes, I love that is sticks to everything, too!

Okay calming down...that IS what this post is all about right?!? So I knew for my girls we would need to use the plastic ones and that I would need some REALLY good glue to keep those suckers closed!

I made them in my girl's favorite colors: Blue for my beautiful 6 year-old, Purple for bubbly 3 year-old, and pink for my baby girl who is nearing the terrific 2s!!
This is them all shaken up!!! 
I wish I had made the middle one a little smaller..

About half way...

All calm and hopefully the child as well... 

These pretty little jars or bottles are mostly used for time out, but we use a modified time out for our girls ranging from special needs to "high" needs so I knew this would not work for that so we just use them for calming moments. They are great for in the car although after having one flung at my face...we may be making some a little smaller for the car.

 I needed a calming jar after that!!! 

Monday, June 18, 2012

~Our New Entryway~

Now we just need something for shoes! Maybe a little fabric for the board...
Getting it all put together in time for back-to-school!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Hubby's First Father's Day

Well, we were all under the weather and so tired from being up with sickies the night before...he is so sweet and stayed home from the Father's Day Service to help me with the kids. He is such husband & daddy!

We had made him some gifts and the girls brought him in breakfast in bed. I honestly think that was the best part of the weekend.
A nice shirt!  

 Something for his desk!

Something for his pens at work!

Very artistic! 

We finally got rested up and started feeling a little better so we went to eat...he was sweet to pick  low key place which is also one of new favorites! Dickey's BBQ!!! It is so family friendly and they have amazing food! 

We had such a great day!!!! I am so thankful to be married to such a wonderful man and that my kids have such a great daddy!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

~My Birthday Girl~

Happy Birthday Bunny!!! 
I love you so much!! I remember when we first met came running to the door screaming my name in Spanish with your little arm opened wide. As I knelt in the doorway hugging you I knew you were home. I fell in love with you in that moment and have loved you everyday since a little more.

 You are my Beauty~ my princess. You twirl and spin... You sing & you dance... 

I love your heart! You are such a good big sister~ you are so strong deep inside yet so sweet. You always seem to think of others before yourself. We have yet to go in a store where you haven't seen the perfect gift to give some else...rarely asking for one for yourself. I must say that I do love when you ask (just don't make it a habit, okay.) <3

You are so smart! I am so proud of you! I love watching you learn to read.... 

I am not sure if you have noticed yet~ you are the most like water child. You seem to easily flow through life but are easily troubled. You are creative & a bit of a drama queen. You are funny & love to make people are are so special! You are the most amazing little girl and I am so proud to be your mommy. 

Most of all I just want to say I love you! 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Just A Little Reminder~

Life & family seems to take up my time these days! I came along this beautiful poem and wanted to share..


Author: peppercma
We weren't there for your first tears,
but we're here to dry the rest.

We weren't there for your first steps,
but we're here to guide the rest.

We weren't there for your first words,
but we're here to build the rest.

We weren't there to see your milestones,
but we're here to set the cornerstones.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Journey In Cook Once Meals~

So we have been a family of 5 for a little over 2 months and I am slowly moving from "survival Mode" to working on getting my home back in order..
 I have heard it said that the heart of the home is the kitchen and I truly believe that.. it is where we eat, talk about our day, play board games, but most importantly where we have family devotions after dinner with my singing & daddy reading from the Bible. 

      The kitchen also tells all of my girl's senses that they are home. My girls love to run by and get a big sniff of whatever I am cooking. Just tonight my oldest hugged my at the stove and told me that I cook because I love true. 

So needing to get back to really cooking for them lead me to cook ahead meals. Cooking ahead is not a new idea by any means..I have no idea who did first so I can't give honor where it is due. Also, I am not a recipe person so you may want to look those up. Basically this is just making the meats & things and putting it all together at dinner time. Enjoy!

I just add fruit & milk~ Here are the meals:
BBQ Chicken
Mashed Potatoes

London Broil Roast
Baked Potatoes 
Green Beans

Refried Beans

Corn bread or Chips

BBQ Sandwiches
Raw Veggies
Fruit Snacks (because it is Friday!!!)

So this is what I did...

1.   Tossed a bunch of boneless Chicken (I know it is better to prep your own, but I that is just too much right now) & into the crock-pot with some cleaned end pieces of celery, onion, & carrots(as well as some sticks to serve on day 1) & some S&P & Tony's seasoning then filled it half way with water.
Cooked on low till tender and almost ready to fall apart.
     The the celery & carrots were chopped and put in clear containers, & some in baggies for snacks. Half of the onion was diced, and the other half chopped long(with 2 bell peppers of the fajitas) for the other recipes.
When fully cooked & cooled, remove the meat and strain the broth. I like to pop this in the freezer to make a nice quick soup stock when someone gets the sickies...
Set aside chicken for fajitas for on day 3 you will chop some of the chicken and add it to your peppers & onions about half way to warm it through..
The last day I pull the left over chicken apart with 2 forks add more sauce and serve on buns.

2.   I Start some Pinto Beans in my large pot...added some of the diced onion for flavor. Let them simmer most of the day till tender...honestly don't stress about them they pretty much cook themselves just make sure they have water.
I take about a 1/4 of the beans out and make refried beans.
To the rest of the beans I make chili by tossing in seasonings & cans of tomatoes and add any left over corn, peppers, & onion from the night before & the chopped beef from 2 nights before>>see below.

3.   London Broil cooked the night of and sliced at the table, take the other half back to the kitchen and dice it up for the chili.
Dice up the other half for the chili you can also slice some for fajitas as well.

4.  Bake some potatoes. Have them baked one night & smash them with milk & butter for the other.

There are other things I could do if I had more leftovers...shredded chicken from fajitas could make chicken salad sandwiches, or add an Asian sauce and put in lettuce for wraps for lunch. Put extra diced beef with rice & creamed soup for Beef Tips & Rice. Oh, and my fave~leftover chili makes great Frito boats!!! There are so many ideas and this is just to get you started...Enjoy! Oh, and please feel free to post your ideas!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Two Months In Cloth...What I've Learned!

So we are coming up on two months with our girls, and that also means 2 months in cloth diapers! I thought cloth was pretty cool, and the more I researched the more I liked the idea...the only problem: ewww!!! Well, so I thought...then I thought if people can scoop dog poop surely I can do it for my child! That is when I found a few tips and tricks that made it no big deal...I don't scoop!!!
 I thought I would share some thoughts with you guys as this is National Real Diaper week! ;)

 (So cute~ Oeko Popo)

Choosing~ There are many different types of cloth diapers! Also, what works for one baby may not work for your little one!!! I have some pre-folds & liners that use mostly at a great deal. I must say I love One size All In One Pockets! They go from about 8lbs-35pounds so your baby can wear them for a good long time! They are also just like a 'sposie you change them the same way!

Cleaning: I learned this lesson the hard have to get some really good soap! You will also need a good wash cycle. I don't swish or have a diaper sprayer (too cheap) so I do: Pre-soak cold, Wash/rinse Hot, 2nd rinse Cold. You also need laundry soap made for cloth diapers or you will get buildup, stink, and a rash..granted my little one has sensitive skin, but I wouldn't chance it again. 

I love Rock'n Green!! You just have to make sure you get the right kind to go with your hard or soft water.

I am a little new to Soap Nuts and to honest I like my RG better, but they are pretty cool!

It the words of Hubby "that is the hippy-est thing I have ever seen!"

You have to dry your make them last longer I like to hang them up to dry. I love my little Octopus!

Stripping:  If you happen to get 'stinkies' you need to strip your diapers! Stinkies is when your diapers come out of the wash and still smell. Sometimes you can run the wash again, but after that you know you have build-up and you have to strip them.. There are a few ways..
1. You can do the cheap/free way & boil them in a large pot on the stove for about 20 minutes. This will make your kitchen stink!!!!
2. You can use a drop of Blue Dawn Dish Detergent and a scrub brush and scrub the yuck out.
3. My new/fave is grab some Funk Rock and just toss your clean diapers in the wash and let them soak over touching the nasty!! Gotta love it!!!

A Few Other Tips:
 Get a good wetbag or liner! I bought a cheap one and let me tell ya, you don't want a cheapo!!! I love Planet Wise!!! You just toss it in the wash too.
Once you child starts eating solids GET SOME FLUSHABLE LINERS!!!!!! You will thank me!!! No poop to deal with...fabulous!
If you do use pocket diapers hang a pair of tweezers near the diaper pail for pulling the insert from soiled diaper...well if you are like me a refuse to touch the nasty. :)