All I could do was *sigh loudly* and and tell a very upset child to bring me the hairdryer, yes, the hairdryer. I wish I could find the original poster on Pinterest and give her credit, but it's been a round for a while..

My now child that was upset (she was sure it was never coming up) now got a turn to hold the hairdryer...marveling at the wax ripples that was my Apple S'mores Scentsy Wax Bar. She saw the beauty in the mess.. There is a message for us mom there somewhere..I'm pretty sure. Soon it was clean, slowcooker filled, and our home once again happy and blessed. Well, at least for this moment.

Well, that is a snippet of our day.. The least I can say is that~ my house doesn't stink! It actually smells amazing between the Stuffed Pepper Soup (THM E) cooking and the delicious smell counter top! :D
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