Thursday, October 23, 2014

Open Letter to the Lady at the Mall

Ma'am, I don't know you, your name, your story, and I only saw you for a few didn't see me. That said I have a message for you, and all of those that read this little blog filled with simple thoughts... You are beautiful.

  I saw you yesterday as I sat in my mommy-minivan waiting on my eldest to get settled in her seat when I looked over and saw you get out of the car...look at your reflection, smooth your dress, frown and sigh. You shrugged you shoulders in defeat of your own appearance as you turned to head into the mall. Just another day, another moment of seeing nothing but your flaws pressing deeply on your mind and soul... You are beautiful

I wanted to scream! I wanted to roll down my window and wave you over to tell you that you are beautiful!!! buuut...I didn't want to look like a weirdo. You have value! There is a place on this earth, a purpose that only you can fill. That you matter...not only for what you do for others, but because you are simply that~ YOU.  You are beautiful.

You may see lines on your face, I saw you look at them closely, but I also saw how your daughter's face lit up when you smiled at her... She is watching you, learning from you, and wanting to be just like you! She knows her mom is beautiful, one day when you are gone she will truly know how much... You are beautiful.

I saw your hands linger over your "mom pooch " which is beautiful... I would do anything to have one even if the mainstream disagrees; to have a lingering mark that says to the world~
  I had a healthy baby.
You are not "fat, disgusting, ugly, hopeless" or any of the other things that crossed your mind, yes ma'am it was written all over your face. You are beautiful.

You are loved, Your life touches so many.. Even if you feel that there is no one, you have a Father in Heaven whether you know him or not... He made you beautiful and made you special. He knows; You are beautiful.

It's so easy to see our flaws, but maybe others see our beauty~ whether it's our children, our loved ones, or just a stranger at the mall. You are beautiful!

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