Saturday, April 19, 2014

Dreams Along The Journey

So there I was stretched out on the beach...cold drink sitting beside my long-chair as the sound of the waves crashed against the silence. The bright sun barely starting to warm my feet as the cool, tropical breeze envelops me.
 I gently adjust the cashmere cover around my shoulders as I am chilled under the shade of a small palm tree. I am alone, relaxed in sheer tropical bliss as the aroma of coconut and honeysuckle drift through the air...I could sit here forever just listening to waves.

Then I hear a sound in the some a sharp, angry sound! I recognize this sound, embracing, it is the sound of a Deaf child trying to wake her hearing mother~ with that paradise begins to shatter. 


I blink...peek out of one eye as she smiles with that huge grin I am gifted every morning. I lay there as she starts signing everything that has happened in the few short minutes that she has been awake as well as all of her requests for the day. Our conversation filled with laughter, and silliness...
It is in those sweet moments that I am reminded that some dreams really do come true~ 

and this one wants her breakfast!

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