Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!!!! This year we are going back to what is really, love, and the birth of a Savior. 
This broken ankle is keeping me out of the kitchen, and for the first time ever we are eating Chinese Food!
We can't leave the cat since she is home with her broken leg so we will be looking at the Christmas Tree Lights instead of driving around... 
We never finished our Christmas shopping, but our kids were so happy! Honestly, I think we may buy too much...hmm? 
We are so blessed! 
It's been the hardest Christmas we have ever had, but it has given us a more time together...less distractions. 
I know one day we will look back....hoping the memories are just as sweet for my little Christmas blessings! 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Open Letter to the Lady at the Mall

Ma'am, I don't know you, your name, your story, and I only saw you for a few didn't see me. That said I have a message for you, and all of those that read this little blog filled with simple thoughts... You are beautiful.

  I saw you yesterday as I sat in my mommy-minivan waiting on my eldest to get settled in her seat when I looked over and saw you get out of the car...look at your reflection, smooth your dress, frown and sigh. You shrugged you shoulders in defeat of your own appearance as you turned to head into the mall. Just another day, another moment of seeing nothing but your flaws pressing deeply on your mind and soul... You are beautiful

I wanted to scream! I wanted to roll down my window and wave you over to tell you that you are beautiful!!! buuut...I didn't want to look like a weirdo. You have value! There is a place on this earth, a purpose that only you can fill. That you matter...not only for what you do for others, but because you are simply that~ YOU.  You are beautiful.

You may see lines on your face, I saw you look at them closely, but I also saw how your daughter's face lit up when you smiled at her... She is watching you, learning from you, and wanting to be just like you! She knows her mom is beautiful, one day when you are gone she will truly know how much... You are beautiful.

I saw your hands linger over your "mom pooch " which is beautiful... I would do anything to have one even if the mainstream disagrees; to have a lingering mark that says to the world~
  I had a healthy baby.
You are not "fat, disgusting, ugly, hopeless" or any of the other things that crossed your mind, yes ma'am it was written all over your face. You are beautiful.

You are loved, Your life touches so many.. Even if you feel that there is no one, you have a Father in Heaven whether you know him or not... He made you beautiful and made you special. He knows; You are beautiful.

It's so easy to see our flaws, but maybe others see our beauty~ whether it's our children, our loved ones, or just a stranger at the mall. You are beautiful!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

A Little Change??

So as we are going into another school thoughts go toward what I can do to help my kiddos. One to the big issues we faced last year: the study of Money and Independent Learning. After a little looking online, I came up with some layered learning that I think will help my big girl..
It all started with a with a snack tray, play money, and some stickers!
 So we first start with simple sorting... I love "layered learning" which boosts confidence and gets the child comfortable with a new task, especially if they have a hard time learning.
Then we layer the simple sorting...
This time when sorting, you see the monetary amount for each coin...when she's comfortable  I shall remover the original, sticker square. Keep sorting!
 Then I simply place all the squares and add the name of each guessed it, slowly remove other squares till just the name squares remain. At this point you should be able to interchange the squares and know everything about each coin.
Then, adding coins...making changes.... the ideas are endless!!!!!  I hope this gives you some ideas....I am thinking colors and shapes for my preschoolers!!! Enjoy!!!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Staying Cool While Going Bananas!

First of's hot! We are enjoying the last of our summer, and we really love enjoying it with cold & yummy treats! So as a mommy I wanted something healthy for our family.. 
So I can't remember where I saw it, I want to say it was a kid's show.. 
Nana I'cream!!!! Well, that's the way my Little says it! 
So for this yumminess, we start with really ripe bananas... 
~You know that mom in the produce section with the 3 huge, 15 pound bags of old bananas?? Yep, that's me! I dry them, use them in smoothies, and now make Ice Cream!!!
I just break these little beauties up, toss them on a freezer sheet, cover, and freeze!
Toss them in the food processor with a splash of milk, I use almond. 

Then spin! I added a splash of vanilla since I don't really like bananas...ummm, but I LOVE this!!!! 
Then, I just serve it up!!!! This time, my girls wanted chocolate sprinkles...funny since they have only had them like once in their lives! Anyway, we made pretend-chocolate-sprinkles with Chia & Flax Seeds!
I am sure there are so many things you could add~ PB, cocoa, etc!!! I hope you enjoy it too!!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Honoring A Final Journey

As you may know from this little blog or in real life as friends my mom was not well during a lot of my childhood and adolescence so I have collected mother figures along my journey. There are ladies that have been there for me in many ways~ to inspire, give loving advice, and a few times a swift kick in the backside when I am making bad decisions. God placed these amazing women in my life, and I am so thankful!
One such lady, is my best friend's mom... The first time I met her she told me "Hi, I'm Debi, you can call me mom! Yep, you are stuck with me now....I'm going to be your new mom, here in California!" ~ and that she was! She was just the mom I needed so far from home. She was always here for me, giving advice with her no-nonsense humor! She just had a special way about her... 

 She could cheer any mood! 
She laughed, head thrown back...laughing with her whole being! Her laugh was contagious! She made you see the lighter side of life. She let you know that everything was going to be alright. Even in the face of the greatest battle of her life, she was encouraging others, letting her family and friends know that everything was going to be alright! She just had that kind of strength...the kind that is so comforting and filled with humor. 
Debi was an amazing artist! She not only made beautiful things but interesting pieces as well... She made this beautiful piece for me when we adopted our girls; with 3 stars for 3 little girls, 2 hearts for James and I, and the love of a mother in the middle.... She was so thoughtful that way...she was excited for us, and it showed! She made things special. Oh, how she loved our girls! They love her too! 
There is so much I could say about this amazing woman, friend, and mom to so many... She gave so much to the world, but she would say the greatest thing she accomplished was the greatness of her children and the wonder of her grandchildren. I can only hope that I have taken all that she has taught me, and that I can in this life make her proud.
She was loved by so many, and she will be greatly missed...
till we see her again. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

My First Back To School Haul of the Season

I can't believe we are getting ready for Back-to-School already!!! This year I will have a THIRD grader (where did the time go?) that will be homeschooling, a KINDERGARTNER, and a Preschooler that will be at home with me as well...
 I have been checking out the deals online, and just did my first haul....
Umm..I guess technically 2 because I ran into a second store to grab the Fraction Game. 
Anyway, I got all of this for $15 and some change!!!!!!  My post-its are hiding in this pic, but oh how I LOVE Post-its!!!!! I use them I was so happy to get 3 packs of them!!!! 
I'm still looking for some backpack and clothing deals...getting excited!!!!
Please feel free to leave your ideas on ways to save money for BtS in the comments!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Mommy Time On The Journey

So while my girls were still in the system we had a couple of awesome social workers... One in particular would always ask me about my self-care...she wanted a list of everything I had done that month and I was to be well as give me ideas on being selfish as I thought at the time. 
It seemed so strange to me to be honest, I mean I a mom now...a wife...I should come last, right? 
Well, in a sense, but in another way she was right... I learned that I really enjoyed my time. 
I love my family, and I am a better mom when I have a little time away from them...but just a little because I miss them so bad and it's only been an hour! 
So when hubby got home from class he offered to take the kids to eat and give me a little time to relax~ I took it! Especially after this rough week!!! 
So here I am, in my comfy clothes, hair in a pony, eating Indian food!!! I'm loving it!!!! 
I am so relaxed...and eagerly waiting to the hugs and kisses when they all come through the door... 
Oh, and the tall one, he is so gorgeous!!!! He has some pretty good kisses too!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Looking Back On Our Journey...

Do you ever have one day that you wish you could go back and live a day over again?
You would take in every second...
Maybe not get as stressed...
Maybe just keep it as it was and just enjoy...

Well, this is my day:

This was the day we took the kids to the Children's Museum in Sacramento about 2 years ago. We as new parents were stressed out, and a fatigued from the constant running here and there through the hoards of excited children!
My kids, just babies at the time had a blast! They were in their element...learning! 

There was so much to explore and learn! So much imagination to embrace! 

I think their favorite part was the Shopping Play!!! Not much has changed as I hear them across the room figuring out which is the mama and who is going to drive to get the milk! 

I treasure these pictures so much... My babies have changed so much~which you may have noticed with all of the face shots that I tend to avoid on this blog. Honestly, they don't even look like the same kids! We are all so much happier now...and that is because they are home forever and loved eternally! I guess that is why, I love watching them play house so much!!! It is a sweet reminder that they are HOME! 

So that was our day... 
The day that I think back on while sipping tea when the house is quiet... 
I would love to hear about some of your favorite days?? 


Sunday, June 29, 2014

"That Is a REALLY BIG BOX!!!" ~WOW Along The Journey!

What a shocking~ amazing end to our weekend!!!!! We were totally shocked this afternoon when we received THIS: 
    So the other day I saw where Bro. Clark, the President of the College I attended was going to be preaching at a church a few towns over, and we decided to go!!! Memories!!!

   Grace Point Church is in the scenic town of Woodland CA and Pastored by a sweet family~ whom we are blessed to call our friends! You walk in and you are enveloped by a loving church family! 
    It was an amazing service!!! It was a wonderful message, and God really blessed us with His sweet presence. I know know many lives were touched, and restored. Two little souls really enjoyed alter call, and talking to 'their' Jesus. 
    My Widdle-Middle enjoyed the active worship~ even paid attention while hubs 'daddy-terped.'  We had some sweet interpreters come over, but she was a little overwhelmed so we just took care of her, but next time... ;) Yes!

 So, yes, it was an amazing service!!! 
At the end of the service, before the BBQ they raffled off this HUGE box of fireworks!!! 
 Well, we didn't fill out the raffle ticket because it was for new visitors.... We just felt that it would be better going to someone else... Well, the Lord and the good people of Grace Point had other other ideas! 

  So they called off the number and the first man went up and said that he would would like to donate it back to the church for another family. 

     Then they called off another number....that man went up and took the mic, thanked the pastor and said "can the man with the beard and 3 beautiful daughters come up here and take this? Such a nice family"  I was in SHOCK!!! I just stood there with my mouth gaping as James went up to the platform...of course three excited little girls followed..
    We then went on to the BBQ and fellowshiped with some sweet people. The girls loved running around and chatting with their new little friends. We drove home with this huge box between all of the van seats...listening to giggling all of the way!
   Now, the only question is...   Where are we going to put it? 
   We just keep smiling at each other and saying "that's a really big box!!!" 
We can't wait till the Fourth of July!!!!!! 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My Baby Girl On Your Birthday...

Baby Girl,
    I love you so much! Today is your birthday!!!! You are now 4 years old!!!
      You are such a sweet and loving little girl with a sheepish little grin and always make me smile! You love everyone; you love your sisters, family, kitty cats, and Jesus the most! You love going to church, and you love talking to Jesus. You have such sweet, simple faith....I love that about you.
You are my funny face! You LOVE to PLAY!!!!!! You have quite the imagination!!! You like to play dress-up and you love your baby dolls!!!! You love the play mommy, and I catch you mimicking me in the mirror...You are just so cute!
     I know you will have many dreams and experiences as you grow up, and I am so thankful I get to see it!!! I am so blessed to be your mommy!!!! I know your plans will change, but right now as a 4 year old, you want to be a Doctor, a Mommy, and 'Dark' Vader!
I love you so much!!!!


Saturday, June 14, 2014

My Beauty, On Your Birthday

My Beautiful Girl, 
     Today you are EIGHT years old! You are my sweet girl, my helper...I am watching you as you grow, how you play with your sisters, and talk with your friends. You are so kind (most of the time. ;)  ) You are so giving, and you are always thinking of someone else. I am so proud of you. 

      You are so talented! You are becoming quite the little writer, artist, and you are learning to sew & weave. You love the piano, and you loving picking it out of songs on the radio, you amaze me! You are also learning to cook, you love cooking! 
You are so expressive with all of your talents! 
     You love going to do things! You love experiencing life! You are so energetic!!! I am watching that energy develop into a true zest for life!!! The world needs more people like can be a whirlwind of change, and a true light in the darkness! 
    Just so you always remember, you are also experiencing your first crush! ~Oh Lord, please help your poor, old mother when the boys come calling! For now, you just giggle! It's kind of sweet, but I have the feeling you are going to be a bit boy ma'am! ;) 
   You have such a sweet heart! You love animals, especially horses, cats, and dogs! Right now, as an 8 yr old, you want to be a mommy, teacher, and veterinarian. You have changed your life goals many times, and I am sure they will change many more~ you have a bright future! 
   I love you so much! You are one of the greatest gifts of my life! You know, it's funny to me that some people will praise your dad and I for adopting you and your sisters. I smile and try to be gracious, but in our hearts we know the truth~ you are the gift! You are the blessing! 

I love you so much!!! I will always love you... 
