Okay so I did a lot of research about cloth diapering before my baby came home. There is so much info...really it can just be too much!
One of my best friends just had a BEAUTIFUL baby girl and has been asking about cloth so I thought I would just put the info here so if any other friends needed, well, I will be able to find it! :)
You will need:
Wet Bag (great for wet clothes when going swimming, etc!)
Bac-Out (Okay not a true "need" but really nice to have!)
That's it... See... You have got this! Now I will break it down...
How many you buy depends on how often you want to do laundry.. Let's be honest, with a new baby you are not going to want to do laundry often... I would say get 3 days worth if you can afford it.
There are many different kinds of diapers out there, but my favorite are the One Size Pocket Diapers! I can add some links later for some great priced ones!
I made my own wipes..didn't even hem them! :) I used some old receiving blankets for pee-pees, and some old baby wash cloths for poo-poos. I also used one of hubby's old flannel shirts for some... Anyway, I just stuck them in a wipe container dry... Then I put some water in a spray bottle and would spray each wipe before use. It sounds weird, but it becomes so normal, I promise! I then found
THESE little bits you add to the water..fabulous!!!
Wet Bag
This is a bag that you store the dirty diapers and wipes in till wash day!
Planet Wise is my favorite!!!! You can find it
HERE. Did I mention these links are to Dearest Diapers?!? Love them!
Laundry Detergent
I must confess, this one was hard for me!! I was like I am not buying special soap~then I got build up, and stinkies, and a diaper rash! Then I bought the soap!!! I really like Rock'n Green and Liquid Soap Nuts!
**Side note on washing.. If your baby is exclusively breast-fed you don't have to rinse, swish, or spray your diapers. Breast milk poop is water soluble so it easily washes out.
If your LO is not EBF you will need to shake off that doodle into the potty right before you put in the washer...
***Only use hot and I mean HOT water to wash your diapers!!
****If you have front loader (I don't, but I have seen online) you can add a towel in with the wash to make the machine use more water. I know someone that uses a family members top-loader~much better.
*****No fabric softener and no dryer sheets!!!! They can cause build up!
This is my way of washing:
1. Hot soak~then turn to pre-wash to give them a good scubbing before spin cycle.
2. Hot wash with soap. with second rinse. ~ This seems to work for me...you can play with your machine.
Now this is some that is nice to have, but like I said before...not something you HAVE to use. It basically starts...well, eating the yuck! You just spray it on the poopy diaper and toss in the wet bag and it will lesson the smell.. Like I said nice to have, but I didn't always use it.
I really hope this helps...and no pressure just relax it will just become natural.
We did cloth at home and sposies out of the house till we were comfortable...
There were weekends that I used sposies...as well as weeks, but it was so nice to come back to my cloth diapers!! I loved knowing that there were no chemicals, and that after buying them at the beginning I was saving my family money!
If you have anymore questions, please let me know!