Saturday, November 12, 2011

Bitty Baby Bum Fluff!!! ~An Adoptive Mama's Collectible!

As an adoptive soon-to-be mom in the fos-adopt system there is so much that is simply unknown...the gender, the age, the size of your little one. It can be so frustrating wanting to prepare, to fill your nursery. Well, I finally found something...CLOTH DIAPERS! 

I did a lot of research and realized that I wanted to use cloth diapers long before realizing that they would ease my "I need to buy something for baby" itch! They are great for baby, non-toxic without all of the chemicals found in 'sposies, environmentally savvy, way cheaper, and most importantly SUPER CUTE!!!!! 

So you maybe wondering how I can get them while not knowing the age, etc?? Well, because most styles are available One Size- most brands go from 7 to 35-40 pounds. This makes it possible for you to provide for your little one's needs longer, remember many little ones from the system may need a little more time. One size diapers have rows of snaps or Velcro that make them customizable to your little one! 
 (The two green ones are the same!) 

 I love all of the designs and at this time buying only gender neutrals and plan to add some trains & cars or flowers & hearts when we get placement. There are so many styles, designs, colors. a girl can go broke!! So I watch for sales, coupon codes, and special deals, and give thanks that I can shop...for something!!! 

So I happily stay on my journey picking up a few cloth diapers I find on sale along the way...

Click Here to join me on Swagbucks! 


  1. How fun! The only things I have is 4 dresses and a skirt from my little SIL, some outlet covers and door handle thingies. My sister's sending me her old baby stuff from her son. I do want the diapers to mostly be cloth though. Have to wait and see. I don't know if the little girl's potty trained, I doubt the boy is, and when we'll get the baby I don't know. I'm glad you are getting things together! :)

  2. Awww, Tracy!! It sounds like you are off to a great start!!! I can't wait to see pix of your stash...

  3. The cloth diapers come in so many cute prints, no wonder you love them! :)

  4. So cute! Looks like your collection has grown! =)
