Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Little Dumplin's ~ Big Love

If you know me, you know I love my husband!!! We are celebrating our anniversary in a few days, and I happened to have Chicken & Dumplings the other day... As I sat eating a steaming bowl of southern goodness my mind with back to our first year together as a young married couple.. We were ready to take on the world and sooo in love!!! You know that puppy's gross! 

I had spent the day making little heart shaped dumplings from scratch...I mean all stinkin' day in that tiny apartment kitchen that was about 10 thousand degrees! 
My sweet hubbers came home and met me at the table...starved as always! He eagerly ate his dumplin's as we talked about our day...our dreams! He asked for seconds and I smiled as I brought him another heaping bowl! 

As I went to clean up after dinner, he came around for some sugar and whispered in my ear.. "Can we eat other things from now on? I've never cared for Chicken and Dumpling." I whipped around with my hands on my hips in true Southern fashion calling him by his full name~ "ZXY, you ate two bowls full!?! I would have made you something else.. " 

That man sat there listening to me go on..and...on while choking down a meal that he hated with a smile on his face... That my, sweet readers, is LOVE! 

So now when I make one of my favorite dishes for our girls and myself I think of that night.. I think of all of the thing life has thrown at us and all of the hard times we would have to swallow over the years.. 
We always found a place at the table.. 
We always found the love.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Little Baskets...Little Helping Hands

So if you know me, you know I don't love cleaning.. That said, I feel like it is all I do!!! No seriously!!! 
 It's fine (whatever, it's not fine) when we are not too busy, but add homeschooling and raising three very busy little girls~ well, sometimes the house suffers!!! 
That is one of the reasons I have dedicated this summer to teaching the kids to help around the house... even if they are pretty sure it's going to kill them! What can I say, they don't like cleaning either...LOL. 
So I saw this idea on Pinterest... not sure who came up with it, but this is how we plan to use it in our home. *Fingers crossed!*
I found these tall little baskets at the dollar store...I thought a nice green might keep everyone calm. A mom can hope, right?!? 
 I put together items for each room of the house... Kitchen all in one basket, etc.
 This way I can take one basket and work with a child on how to use the items for said room. No more digging in my cleaning closet!! Then hopefully when they become skilled at cleaning that room I can just hand them the basket!!  It's kind of a jump up from the little chores they have been doing.
I also labeled them with a little tape and a sharpie... easy peasy!
I really hope this helps, and makes chores a little more fun!! I also helps it helps me to streamline cleaning when I am rushing around to get it done... because let's be honest~ we are moms, and their hands are small!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

More Snacking Along The Journey!

More Summer snacking on these long and sometimes crazy summer days.. I'm trying to stay on track and find yummy snacks to keep myself on track. 
 So, yeah, this was breakfast! Not great, but so good!!! It also gave me a nice burst of energy!!!
Fruit! Fruit and Protein is always good for me!!! :)

Friday, July 8, 2016

Choosing Peace

There is so much pain and unrest in the world.. There is heartache and anger... I have been feeding into that anger... I have been shamed for my race.. I have lost sleep.. I have cried.. I have been angry.. I feel so deeply and on many levels an with that I have felt my peace slipping away..

So, I am choosing peace.
I'm leaning on the Prince of Peace. I'm reading His word. I'm reading books that feed my soul instead of so much Facebook and other media that feeds my anger, strong relentless anger.

I'm spending more time with my children.. I know for me, reading and watching my kids play is a place of peace.  As they draw pictures of our family with sidewalk chalk I'm reminded of all that I am blessed

I'm loving my husband. I'm talking to him when it all seems too much. I hold him, praying for those that aren't able their husband in their arms.

This is just the only healthy way I can deal.. I have to choose peace in my own life. I know life isn't fair...I know it's hard. I also know a God that can give peace in the hardest of situations.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

....and Our Butterflies Flew Away~

We observed our little butterflies for about a week, then it was time to let them go... 
Wow, just wow! What an experience! 
 This is me explaining how the butterfly drinks through the proboscis in ASL..

Friday, July 1, 2016

Art for the 4th of July!

I saw this one Pinterest so I'm not sure who to give credit to for this fun.. We have loved it!!! It's so nice to have a nice craft for the summer months!

We just cut toilet paper rolls, dipped in paint, and started swishing on paper!
Happy Fourth of July!!!