Sunday, December 11, 2016

Stone Soup

I thought I'd share a little of our homeschool with you guys! We are a good way into the year and enjoying learning together..

We are doing Five in a Row for most of our Language Arts and enrichment for our other subjects.. We are also doing some of the Literary Classics in pure ASL. We basically follow the FIAR method with these books, bringing in academic elements from text, and making these stories come alive!

Of course it starts with the book! We read the book or versions of the book everyday for 5 days pulling out all of the amazing bring-it-to-life awesomeness!!! Then, we read the classic book in both languages, and then we have a child-friendly version to work on decoding skills! Lastly, we move to a video, hopefully we can find one in ASL, with English voice over, and English text! DawnSign Press does an amazing job!!! This helps with comprehension and helps the kids relate to the text...
Videos is ASL by Dawnsign Press. 
Rewriting and Language Activities! 
Cooking and Measuring! Did I mention they picked their stone out of the garden?!? 
We loved our Stone Soup unit!!! 
 Yep, that's the stone!!! LOL!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Growing Pains

Growing pains are the worst...I was reminded of this at 2 AM last night as a sobbing little girl appeared beside my bed with that tear-filled pitch that breaks the heart "Mama?" I scooped her up into my bed and held her close.
As a grown-up I was experiencing my own growing pains...the ones in the heart. You know the ones that leave you alone in the a house full of people with a soaked pillow as you release silent screams to a God you can only hope hears you. This was where I was only hours before, growing and in pain. It is the pain that makes you grow as you are forced to endure it; helpless as it takes you under in waves of quiet sobs.

I rubbed her aching joints, applying Arnica Salve and Magnesium Cream till her sobs turned to whimpers then to the silent sounds of a sleeping child. I held her close so she could sleep; easing her joints when she would stir in her restless sleep till the morning sun flooded our bedroom and her pain was gone.
In those dark, quiet hours I wondered if it was the same with my Heavenly Father? Was He there? Did He comfort my soul even if I felt nothing in the silence of the night? Was His silence what was forcing me to grow? Was the Balm in Gilead applied even as the pain wrecked my weary soul leavng only exhaustion in the morning?

In the light of day, I am still hurting; my heart and mind somewhat numb from the ache. I smile at those around me as I curse the pain inside, while at the same time I am thankful for it. I wait for the pain to end so I can come out the other end little taller, stronger.

I embrace the pain as it is the only way to grow....even if it is the worst.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

When You Are On The Floor...

I'm a special needs mom. There I said it...I don't really like saying because I don't really like the idea of labeling my children, but the truth is the truth just the same. This morning I really felt like that mom as I walked down the isle to the Deaf section, exhausted and head pounding with every step. I slid into the pew with a silent sigh of exhaustion and relief. We had made it.

My Bubbly girl had three, yes, THREE meltdowns that morning! If it wasn't for my husband we wouldn't have ever made it at all as I was ready to just give up, turn around, and go home. Oh, did I mention we were OVER AN HOUR LATE??? Yeah, so part of the walking down in front of the the church..that was shame. I was the mom that couldn't get everyone ready, happy, and on time.

Toward the end of worship time my Baby-Girl had a seizure right there on the pew leaving her exhausted, and dizzy resting in her daddy's arms... At this point, I could have cried if I she didn't need me to stay calm and reassuring (at least on the outside) while holding her tiny hand.  After resting for a bit she had to "go tinkle" thankfully she didn't go during the seizure because that really makes it worse! Little blessings!
So, I took her to go potty...taking Bubbles with us for a little break.

We walked back in to Pastor preaching, so we sat in the back of the church for a minute...waiting for some exciting choir of "Amen" or clapping in agreement while I mommy-terped sitting beside my Bubbly girl..before heading back to the front of the church. Then I saw it..a meltdown was coming...first the stimming, rocking, and then going to the floor. I sat down 'cris-crossed applesauce' on the floor of the church between the pews holding my little girl, protecting her head~ while trying to quiet and reassure my sweet girl. She fights and struggles...war ensuing in her sensory strained mind.

I continue to sit on the floor hold my little girl's head as tells me she is sorry..sorry for something that isn't her fault. Her eyes are glassy and still not focused..we wait it out. I gently brush her check with the back of my hand.

My weary mind slowly returns to the sermon... he is talking about Jesus sitting on a boat. Jesus sitting on a boat, as I'm sitting on the floor in the back of the church. I'm pretty sure He was sitting back there with us...
That same Jesus that calmed the seas also calms the storms in our lives...even the ones that put us on the floor...

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Little Dumplin's ~ Big Love

If you know me, you know I love my husband!!! We are celebrating our anniversary in a few days, and I happened to have Chicken & Dumplings the other day... As I sat eating a steaming bowl of southern goodness my mind with back to our first year together as a young married couple.. We were ready to take on the world and sooo in love!!! You know that puppy's gross! 

I had spent the day making little heart shaped dumplings from scratch...I mean all stinkin' day in that tiny apartment kitchen that was about 10 thousand degrees! 
My sweet hubbers came home and met me at the table...starved as always! He eagerly ate his dumplin's as we talked about our day...our dreams! He asked for seconds and I smiled as I brought him another heaping bowl! 

As I went to clean up after dinner, he came around for some sugar and whispered in my ear.. "Can we eat other things from now on? I've never cared for Chicken and Dumpling." I whipped around with my hands on my hips in true Southern fashion calling him by his full name~ "ZXY, you ate two bowls full!?! I would have made you something else.. " 

That man sat there listening to me go on..and...on while choking down a meal that he hated with a smile on his face... That my, sweet readers, is LOVE! 

So now when I make one of my favorite dishes for our girls and myself I think of that night.. I think of all of the thing life has thrown at us and all of the hard times we would have to swallow over the years.. 
We always found a place at the table.. 
We always found the love.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Little Baskets...Little Helping Hands

So if you know me, you know I don't love cleaning.. That said, I feel like it is all I do!!! No seriously!!! 
 It's fine (whatever, it's not fine) when we are not too busy, but add homeschooling and raising three very busy little girls~ well, sometimes the house suffers!!! 
That is one of the reasons I have dedicated this summer to teaching the kids to help around the house... even if they are pretty sure it's going to kill them! What can I say, they don't like cleaning either...LOL. 
So I saw this idea on Pinterest... not sure who came up with it, but this is how we plan to use it in our home. *Fingers crossed!*
I found these tall little baskets at the dollar store...I thought a nice green might keep everyone calm. A mom can hope, right?!? 
 I put together items for each room of the house... Kitchen all in one basket, etc.
 This way I can take one basket and work with a child on how to use the items for said room. No more digging in my cleaning closet!! Then hopefully when they become skilled at cleaning that room I can just hand them the basket!!  It's kind of a jump up from the little chores they have been doing.
I also labeled them with a little tape and a sharpie... easy peasy!
I really hope this helps, and makes chores a little more fun!! I also helps it helps me to streamline cleaning when I am rushing around to get it done... because let's be honest~ we are moms, and their hands are small!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

More Snacking Along The Journey!

More Summer snacking on these long and sometimes crazy summer days.. I'm trying to stay on track and find yummy snacks to keep myself on track. 
 So, yeah, this was breakfast! Not great, but so good!!! It also gave me a nice burst of energy!!!
Fruit! Fruit and Protein is always good for me!!! :)

Friday, July 8, 2016

Choosing Peace

There is so much pain and unrest in the world.. There is heartache and anger... I have been feeding into that anger... I have been shamed for my race.. I have lost sleep.. I have cried.. I have been angry.. I feel so deeply and on many levels an with that I have felt my peace slipping away..

So, I am choosing peace.
I'm leaning on the Prince of Peace. I'm reading His word. I'm reading books that feed my soul instead of so much Facebook and other media that feeds my anger, strong relentless anger.

I'm spending more time with my children.. I know for me, reading and watching my kids play is a place of peace.  As they draw pictures of our family with sidewalk chalk I'm reminded of all that I am blessed

I'm loving my husband. I'm talking to him when it all seems too much. I hold him, praying for those that aren't able their husband in their arms.

This is just the only healthy way I can deal.. I have to choose peace in my own life. I know life isn't fair...I know it's hard. I also know a God that can give peace in the hardest of situations.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

....and Our Butterflies Flew Away~

We observed our little butterflies for about a week, then it was time to let them go... 
Wow, just wow! What an experience! 
 This is me explaining how the butterfly drinks through the proboscis in ASL..

Friday, July 1, 2016

Art for the 4th of July!

I saw this one Pinterest so I'm not sure who to give credit to for this fun.. We have loved it!!! It's so nice to have a nice craft for the summer months!

We just cut toilet paper rolls, dipped in paint, and started swishing on paper!
Happy Fourth of July!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Happy Birthday, Baby Bird

Happy Birthday!

   I can't believe you are six years old! It seems like you were just in diapers! You are definitely the baby of the family, but you have grown so much!!! You love to play and pretend...I love your smile and the joy of your laugh!

You are so just graduated from Kindergarten! You love your books!

You are so sweet! You always stand up for what is right...I love your honesty! You love Jesus and want more than anything to be a sunbeam for Him. That's also your favorite song!

You are so strong.. I know that you are starting to understand your health and what you need to stay healthy! I'm still hoping, and praying for a cure! You stay strong!

You are my baby! I love you so much!!! You are such a blessing and I can't wait to see you grow-up and see what you will become! I am so thankful that I get to be your mommy!!!

I love you!!!



Monday, June 27, 2016

Observing Butterflies

We finally got around to ordering our butterfly caterpillars...a fun journey learning about Life Cycles.

Our tiny caterpillars arrived with their food..some barely out of the egg. 
 They double in size everyday!
 All ready to go inside...

 The molten skin...uck! Those little circles, yeah, that's poop! >>a ton of poop!
 Time to hang them in the enclosure...
 New home...
Our first little guy...
 We made nectar dropped on the flowers and fresh fruit..
 Flying around and enjoying their new habitat...
 A little peek at the beauty!

 The empty chrysalis..
Looking at butterfly wings, legs, and antenna under a microscope.
 We also read some great Usborne books!!!
I love Usbourne Books!!! I had a party recently and you can still order till July 4th online at Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Laundry Lessons

It's summer!
It's summer and my kids are bored!
It's summer and my kids are bored, and the house is a mess!

Sooo...I'm working to teach my kids to help with the house work. I'm starting with the laundry with my seven year seven year old that HATES to help clean!!

I had to pick up a few products, tips, & tricks.. The little packs of laundry detergent help so much with spills! 

I wrote the number to remind her of how many to add to a standard load..if it's a special load I plan to just do it myself. The little softener beads have a little line in the cap...easy peasy!

Then I marked the washer and dryer with a dry erase marker so she knows where to start them...again just for an average load. 

Oh, and she needed a little stool.. You gotta love her style with her camo shoes and mix-matched socks!

There she far she has done 2 loads and is pretty proud of herself!
One tip* Either pre-sort the loads or give them a color....say red and pink! ;) 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Happy Birthday, Bunny!

My sweet Beauty, my Bunny...

Wow, you are ten!!! I can't believe it!!! I love you so much...more than you will ever know!
You are an amazing kid!!! You are smart and sweet!!! You are stubborn and kind.. You are amazing!

You are growing into a beautiful young lady. You went to your first POP conference this year, and you loved it!!! I am so proud of you!!!

It was my greatest joy to see you give your life to God and be there when He saved your soul. I wasn't there for your birth, but I got to be there for your "re-birth" and for that I am forever grateful!

You have your own room now. You still love Star Wars and Hello Kitty! You love Camo and want to to be a Designer! You are such a good mom to your long as no one is around.

You are finding your strength. You are finding your voice... sometimes it gets you in trouble.

You are getting into video the picture below. You love parks and gymnastics! I'm glad you still love to play! Stay young as long as you can...growing is tough.

You are so have so much to give the world. You have worked so hard this year to pull your grades up and ended the year with amazing grades! You know, grades aren't was your hard work and dedication that makes me proud!

You are beautiful, but it's your inner beauty that astounds me. You always think of others...from wanting to feed the homeless to taking home every stray animal you see... you love everyone.

There are so many things about you that I love... You are amazing! You are my heart.

 I am so proud to call you my daughter!!!

I love you so much!!!


Mom <3

Monday, June 6, 2016

Painting in the Summer

My kids are so ready for summer!! That said, I'm not ready for the heat!!! We play outside in the morning, but by noon it's just too hot! So, I have been saving little fun things from the school year... one of them is painting!
Thanks to Netflix putting on Bob Ross episodes we now have our favorite summer activity!
 This is all for pressure, no perfection~ only fun!
In their little imaginations they are in a famous studio! 
It's also relaxing...which makes it a great way to spend the summer, well, at least during the hottest times of the day!

Monday, April 18, 2016

The Journey Of A Ladybug...

So we ordered a Ladybug habitat so we could study the life cycle of Ladybugs! I can tell you that we learned a lot, stressed a little, and had a lot of fun..
We received these tiny little things in a tube...fresh from the eggs, a few were still Eggs!

They quickly began to grow as we watched, and watered the gel till they were ugly little Larvae!
 They kind of look like spiders, right?!? 

Then it was time for them to enter the Pupal stage
I kind of thought they had died. ;?

They emerged as little white critters that were super hungry!!! They were ready for their raisins? Yep, soaked raisins cut in half..
...and poop, oh dear heavens the poop! 

They changed to pink and continued to darken.. We loved watching them grow, shed their exoskeletons, and grow some more! 

We also studied Delaware...seemed fitting! 

These little ladybugs kept growing, changing, and developing...

Till it was time to let them go... was a Beautiful Journey~ So with a few tears & song we released them to the garden. So they could fly away home.