I don't know about you, but my kids love to draw and write little notes! They love giving me lot's and lots and lots and lots and lots of letters, notes, and pictures!!!!!! I keep most of them, but I'm thinking I may need to buy another house soon just for all of the paper around here!!!!
One day my eldest asked for one of my sticky notes...I wanted to yell "NO!" and curl up in a ball hiding my 'precious' and snarling~ as I'm just a little psychotic about my sticky notes! After the flash of green left my eyes, I smiled and handed her one this is what she brought back~
Now isn't that the sweetest thing ever?!?
I had the idea of gluing it on the calendar page of my planner!!! I use my planner for homeschooling, home management, budgeting, & etc so I see this little note a lot!!!
I love that I have inspiration at my finger tips, and I'm not using as much paper! I recently put a little picture of my daughter sitting on Jesus' lap that she had drawn after teaching them story of Jesus Blessing The Little Children. I attached that one on my lesson plan page as a reminder of why I do what I do...
I love the idea of keeping those little memories!!!
I love little love notes... this was a gentle reminder that my children love them too! If you will excuse me, I'm off to go write a little note and hide them in their workbooks!
~ How will you show your family your love today? I would love to hear it in the comments!