So this weekend was a know the kind?? You know, where half of the time you are running around all crazy and the other half you are frustrated because you are getting NOTHING done!?!? Yep, that is how it was around here...
So Saturday it seemed to take us forever to leave the house.. Hubby need to go a few towns over to a certain store and we all decided to make a day of it. We literally stopped 3 times within 10 minutes... The kids were melting down, hubby was upset, and I was fighting tears!!! Then hubby decided he didn't really want to go...he decided to just one one town over in the other direction, smart man!
Well, on the way we stopped to get some food...and with just a few words, signs, and grumbles~ my dam broke! I had a full blown mommy meltdown! I'm signing, voicing, screaming, and crying all at the same time...I'm sure scaring other drivers if they happened to look over!!! As I am going on in my now mortifying tirade I am excruciatingly honest: "I can't make all of you happy...I'm done! There is only one of me and I am exhausted! So you can just make your own selves happy!!!"
Did you ever see the episode of Seinfeld where someone asks guest star Marlee Matlin "What are you, Deaf?!?" She replies "Bingo!"
Anyway...that how I think! In video clips and this mama had a true "Bingo Moment!"
*~You need to just get happy! Until you do, it will all be okay... ~*
Sometimes I feel that I was placed here to make everyone happy... I want everyone to be happy...happy and healthy! I heard a quote and it is so true "A mother is only as happy as her saddest child." I don't know who said it, but boy did they get it right! I am that mother~ well, I learning not to be...
I also want want my husband to be happy... I try to help him, take care of him, and in return he protects and provides for us. It is how our family works and most of the time works know most of the time. ;)
With that said, he is also capable to finding happiness in living a good spending time with his family. I am not responsible for his ever mood...I can just help to lift his moods. :)
I am here to carefully guide my children... Yes, I want them to be happy and healthy! I want many children to have a great many things in new goal is that I want them to
learn to be happy! I believe this come in large part from being thankful and content; that is what I need to teach my littles...
I sat quietly in the car thinking for a good while after I have my great-emabarrassing-followed-by-BINGO moment...I don't have to make them happy~ I can teach them how to be happy!
The world isn't isn't kind. Sometimes life is hard...sad. People can be mean...hurtful!
With all of that we can still find joy, and reason to be thankful, and with that happiness! I found happiness that same day...minutes later laughing with the family over some silliness. I learned it, now on to teach it to the rest of the family.