Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Another Anniversary..

That's right another anniversary!

That makes 8 years of wedded bliss...and maybe a few blahs.
We have been through so much together...still together and still in love!

I can't even begin to tell you how much I love that man!! He is strong and wise... He is loving and steady,,. He is faithful and loving... He is a provider and protector... He is so amazing!

This was our first time out-of-town away from the kids... I missed them a little, but...
We had so much fun!!!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The State Fair!!!

We love going to the Fair every year!! It is a chance for my city kids to get a little country in their lives! We also just love spending time as a family!!! As a mom and a teacher I like to make it educational so I go online and look up all of the ASL vocabulary I think I will need...we learn them together or learn the signs during the activity.  We also watch Science videos of things we might see..
So when we told the girls that we were going to the Fair, you bet they were in the car and ready to go!!

We rode a few rides...

Then we headed over to the Livestock! My big girl LOVES cows!

Then we went to look at the goats!!! This is us looking at the goats!
This is my children BEING goats! LOL! Don't worry, I washed their hand very well!

Then someone needed a time-out! Yes, I can find a good time-out spot anywhere~ even the Fair!

Then it was right back to our horseplay!

The older girls enjoyed a show! I just love that sisterly bond...

There was so much to do, see, and buttons to push!

We even had the privilege of supporting our troops...

We had such a great time!!! We can't wait to go to the State Fair next year!

Friday, July 12, 2013

A Journey Into Homeschooling!

So after a LOT of prayer, talks, and sleepless nights we have decided to homeschool our children.
We had always planned to homeschool, or if we moved I would get a job at one of the local Christian Schools and put our kids there...it was a nice plan.

Well, life had other plans~ adoption plans!

That was when I began to doubt our big, beautiful plan... I had a child that was ESL (English as a Second Language) that also had some other issues that made learning difficult. This made for some big questions~
Did I have the patience? I love her more than my own life~ but she can drive me nuts!!!!! Just being honest here.. Seriously; considering we have no biology~ we are SO MUCH ALIKE!!!! So yeah, we get on each others nerves!!! I fear the teen years are going to kill us all!

I also have another child attending a program for the Deaf. She couldn't be home with us...was it fair? Would it hurt her feelings? The answer: NOPE! She loves going to school... She will have Bible, Art, and PE with us at home as well so there is plenty of time with us! :)

My youngest has some challenges, but was aging out of therapy which meant it was up to me to help her now...which kinda meant more stress! So it hit me at like 2:00 AM~ what better way to help her than to teach her! I could "plan" time out of our day to work on her home-therapy.

So there I was~ out of excuses! I finally asked my husband; the amazing, wise leader of our family, what did he think for the final time. I mean we had milled over it, and over, and over, but one this day I just simply asked with desperation in my voice in and his reply was this "I don't want to put more stress on you, but, yes, I feel that you have a lot to offer our kids. If they were home with you they could learn stuff that isn't taught in school; they could learn how to be like you (trying not to tear up!), and that would help them for the rest of their lives."
To be honest I have never felt more honored in my life! In that moment I felt like the woman that was spoken of in Proverbs~
Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Proverbs 31: 28

So, we applied with a homeschool charter, and ordered some of our curriculum...
~and that is how we became a homeschool family!

More to come...much more!