Our group is an active group!! It is a struggle to keep our girls busy all of the time! Nighttime seemed to be the worst and I realized that something just had to be done! I wanted a peaceful time of rest, and enriched family time that is just so precious these days with everyone's busy schedule.
Then it hit me~ Quiet Reading Time!!!
When I taught kindergarten a long time ago QRT was just what I needed to save my sanity! I loved looking over my class with their minds engaged...imaginations running along the pages!!! I wanted that for my girls! I also needed this for my family...
I also know that kids that observe their parents reading for pleasure have a greater chance of learning to love books! I also know that if our girls are not contained...I can't enjoy my book! LOL!
So now our new favorite thing is quiet reading time before bed. We are doing the Summer Reading Program from the library as well so we always have plenty of good books around to keep it fun! We try to keep it simple... Everyone cozy in their PJs, teeth brushed, and quiet & relaxed. James or I will start thing off by reading one book in ASL(hearing kids understand just fine) and then we all find a book and read quietly together as family.
I can't tell you what a blessing this has been to our family! It is such a wonderful time and has added so much to our bedtime routine! There are lots of snuggles ~ a few giggles(that are quickly shushed) at the funny picture and maybe even a few smiling glances between mom & dad...
We are so blessed!
I hope you guys like this idea.. Leave a comment of what you do in your home, I would love to read them!!
So curious as to what we are reading right now???
Hubby ~ The Art Of War ~ by: Sun Tzu
Me ~ It's All Too Much ~ Peter Walsh
Big Girl ~ The Legend Of Yoda ~ by: Catherine Saunders
Bubbles ~ Anything about animals...
Baby ~ Mostly board books right now...especially one with babies.