Tuesday, January 31, 2012

While Parts Of My Heart Are Away....

I figured I would make some..

I can't wait to start making some pretty hearts and decorations for Valentines!!
I love the whole month of February! I love the hearts, flowers,  the candy, little love notes, and all of the little things that say I Love You!

This is also a month of art.... sharing little crafts.

Even better....I get to go see my girls this month!!! More to come about that soon!!!!! 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Girls' Rooms Are Just About Done!!!

We had to send some pix the the girls' social worker so she could show the girls where they will be living... So that meant getting some finishing touches on the rooms!

To be honest, I am not sure we will ever be completely finished because there is just so much cute stuff to buy!!! Did I mention I love pink!!! We also need a couple of larger items...like a toy box & new dresser for the oldest's room. So I guess I will be taking more pix, but you can get the idea...enjoy!

Well, the first pic is a doll house I want to get for the girls and it also serves as a warning for anyone wanting to see the rooms in person first- do not scroll down! Also prepare yourself for the cuteness!!!

The is a picture of the youngest two's room...I really hope they like it! There are teddy bears on the walls, but I didn't get them in the shot. They also have toys and gifts in the closet, and few of them were left on the floor from PawPaw!

Auntie came over to help...

This is my favorite!!! Our (soon-to-be)big girl's room!!! The beautiful new bed is from Nonni & Papa!

When You Get Thirsty On The Journey...

Drink Spa Water!!!! Sooo...I love to drink spa water for the taste and the vitas! It is great for detoxing and while enjoying a soak with some yummy bath salts or having a Spa Party with the girls as a fun Girl's Night In!!

~Spa Water~
  1. Some filtered water
  2. Slice up your choice of veggies & fruit
  3. Add to the water along with some ice
  4. Serve...and enjoy! 

Some ideas for fabulous water are cucumbers (a must have for me!), lemon, lime, rosemary, & a sprig of mint! 

I also like lemon, orange, lime, and a little garnish of thyme!

Berries (and mint, if you like) are also super yummy and make a great drink for a Valentine's Day! 

Just remember that you are making this for yourself and the ones you love so have fun mixing us some great hydration that is just perfect for you!!! As with all pampering goodness, for best results serve it up all pretty in a long stemmed glass!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tub-Of-Tears to Soothing-Spa

Sometimes life just happens... Hurts come, sadness overwhelms, anger ensues, and we are left hurt & betrayed by our own emotions. 

What is a girl to do?? Find solace, let go of the facade, and just cry until the sweet numbing of emptiness comes and washes over leaving only the honesty of who we really are~ only then are we truly strong. The best place I have found~ my tub. 

So if you are in pain, celebrating, or just need to relax and detoxify  this post is for you. Because today we are going to talk MYO (Make Your Own) Bath Salts!  Just what every woman & tub needs... 

So this is a basic recipe that I compiled from a few others.. Feel free to mix it, and have fun making one that is just "you" and don't forget to put it a pretty jar! 

~Bath Salts~
 4  Cups Epsom Salt 

1/2 Cup Baking Soda

1/2 Cup Dried Rose Petals (from my garden, can also be purchased online) 

1/2 Cup Lavender Blossoms (from my garden, can also be purchased online) 

4 TBSP Pink Himalayan Sea Salt (See picture below) 

 8 Drops Lavender Essential Oil (dilute with 6 drops of olive, jojoba, or almond oil for sensitive skin) 

~Mix gently, but well. Store in a dry area in a pretty container for a best results.

 Add 1/2 to 1 cup salts to  hot* water, allow the salts to dissolve, sit back soak, and enjoy...  

~Pink Salt~

*Okay, lets be smart, not too hot of water and not for you pretty preggo people. Drink water! Even better...spa water! Recipe coming soon! 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Disclosure Meeting~~~

So here we are...tomorrow is the big day: Our Disclosure Meeting! 

This is our meeting with the kid's social worker where we find out "everything" and have a last chance to change our minds. As if we could....these little ones are so tightly intertwined in our hearts..

This is also our last thing before we can start our visits and start the journey of getting our kids home.

 I can only pray for strength and courage as I speak with the worker, once again hope I say the right thing as I sit feeling judged at my responses, and the hardest of all hear all of the reports on my (soon-to-be)kids. This is just part of it...we not only carry our little ones in our arms, but we are called to carry their hurts and scars as well...I am reminded~ that is what God did for me.

 It is also our time to ask all of the questions we have carried in our hearts for the last year and a half...problem is I can't think of one?!? 

Yep, not one! 

I guess it will come to me later, but for this minute I will just sit and quietly thank the One that brought all of this to be...the One that knows the very second the meeting will begin....the One that started us on the journey...the One who will finish it! 

Friday, January 6, 2012

A Few Answers....

So on writing this blog...it is all in love and logic~I am simply inspired by all of the questions...

As adoptive parents, as with any new parent-to-be we are asked a lot of comments posed as questions and most have been positive or said in jest, but there are times even with our good sense of humor they make us pause and think...even question ourselves.
So here I am... just writing all of this out as much for myself as for you guys... So as I prepare for my girls to come home and inundated with questions...here are some of the answers.

Have you lost your mind?!? 
Umm..in a word..Yes! My mind is no longer my own...it is lost to me, and is now filled with thoughts and hopes for my little girls. It is filled with hopes and dreams for us as a new family, and to ease the transition. It means that I am no longer doing what is rational or practical because love isn't practical~its perfect! Love makes us all do crazy stuff...in my case it's adopting 3 amazing little girls!

Do you know what you are doing? 
Nope! Just doing the best I can, and trusting God for the rest. I guess the same could be asked of any woman with a child(ren) on the way... Just because our kids come to us a different way doesn't mean we are better off...just that we have a lot more paperwork! LOL!

Three?!? Instant family, huh?!?
Yep!!! We didn't plan on three, but love it! God knew better than we did..He always does! This process has been quite difficult, and if we do decide to do this again, we would like for it to be a good long while... We like that our girls will be together, they can share their hurts and feelings... They know that there is someone in the family that knows just how they feel. We are a family...that is what it is all about!

So one girl is deaf, can you handle that? 
Yes, we can handle anything together...as a family, as husband & wife, and most important as children of God. It may however be hard...many things in life are hard. Most of them are worth it!
I also have to say how blessed we are that so many friends & family, and their children are learning ASL (American Sign Language) and are eager to be able to talk & play with our little girl.
How cool is that?!?

You are in for it now...do you have any idea how much your life is going to change?
Yes, we are, LOL, and no I do not... How could I? How could any woman? All we know is that life is full of changes...and we can't think of a better one!

All in all~here is what we do know. 

We know that we are on a long journey and a very hard road....
     We also know that with God with us and before us...we can do all things through Him.

We know that there will be sleepless nights...already had a few of those.
     We also know that we are given a set amount of energy; what better way to use it than to help these girls...

We know that there are going to be hard times, and times when we feel like giving up.
     We also know that there are people praying for us...

We know that there are many challenges for our little ones because of their past...also that there are hurts that only God can heal.
     We also know a healer...we know Him by name!

We know we only have one life.
      We also can't think of a better way to spend our time on this earth...

Thursday, January 5, 2012


I thought I would write a little just for the sake of blogging... We are slowly getting back to normal"-ish" after the Holidays. Family has returned home, and some decorations are taken down.

Now, we start the cleaning, reorganizing, and planning for all of the travel needed to bring the girls home.

I also need to whip up some laundry soap, and have some made-ahead-dinners in the the freezer for when our lives get really busy!!!

All the while nourishing our marriage & remembering what is really important in life!

I have also been studying ASL at night, researching school options, deaf culture, and the like... Trying not to stress too much, but there is so much to consider...I admit it can be overwhelming.
 We have also been working with family...everyone is learning ASL and we couldn't be more proud! We have such a great family!

Well, that is about it for us...let the craziness begin!